About Media Arts Equipment Checkout
We check out equipment for students to use to complete their in-class assignments. When you start with equipment check out you only have access to a small amount of equipment. As you pass your classes and work toward graduation you will be taught how to use more and more equipment and after the in-class lessons, the equipment will be released for you to checkout. By the time you get to the end of the program, you will have access to check out anything you need to complete your capstone projects.
Our hours change every term to align with the release times of the classes that use Equipment Checkout most frequently.
- Most classes have term long checkout of equipment available.
- Additional equipment is checked out for a 1 week period.
- Equipment checkout is not open on weekends or on college observed holidays.
- Students checking out equipment are responsible for verifying, upon receipt of equipment, that all items are present and in working order.
- Equipment will not be available over term breaks or summer sessions.
Equipment Return
- Equipment must be returned to Equipment Checkout in its entirety, in fully operational condition, clean, and undamaged.
- An inventory list is included with every item. Loss of the inventory list will result in a $5.00 replacement fine.
- The condition of the equipment will be assessed by the checkout staff at the time of the return. A grace period of 24 hours may be given to find and return any missing equipment or components.
Equipment Reservations
- Equipment reservations can be made in person during checkout hours, or by use of the in-house software after your student account is set up.
- Reservations will be granted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Reservation Cancellations
- Please contact the Equipment Checkout by email at least 24 hours in advance of the pick-up date if you must cancel a reservation.
- Consistent failure to pick up reserved equipment at the designated time may result in the suspension of checkout privileges.
Equipment Extension Requests
- Students may request an extension of the checkout period for the equipment in their possession, however, the equipment may still need to be brought in to verify.
- A request does not guarantee fulfillment. If the equipment in question is reserved by another student, the request will be denied by ECO staff and failure to return on time will be considered a violation of these policies.
- Students are limited to one extension per checkout.
- Short term extension for delays beyond the student's control, such as delayed public transit, may be granted. Such requests must be made to ECO Staff as soon as the delay is evident and before the equipment is considered late.
Late Equipment Violations
- Any equipment not returned on time will be considered late. The Equipment Checkout staff will notify the student by email or by phone and the violation will be recorded.
- If upon return equipment is found to be missing any component or item, said component or item must be returned within 24 hours of the original return date, or it will be considered a violation.
Penalties for Late Returns
- Any student who fails to return any equipment by its due date will be fined as follows:
- First Violation in any quarter: Warning
- Each successive violation in the same term: $25.
- An additional $25 fine will be levied for each 7-day period the equipment remains overdue, and/or if the equipment is scheduled to go out to another student before it is returned.
- If a student has outstanding fines unpaid at the end of any given term, a financial hold will be placed on the student's college account, preventing registration for future classes until the fines are paid in full.
Check Out Privilege Probation
- Students who do not return equipment on time, abuse equipment, or VIOLATE the policies contained in this document may be placed on probation for the duration of the term.
- Any single violation of these policies while on probation will result in the suspension of the student's checkout privileges for the remainder of that term OR LONGER.
- Students in violation of their probation may be placed on probation again for the subsequent term.
- If a student violates his or her second probation, his or her checkout privileges may be suspended indefinitely.
Financial Penalties for Theft, Loss or Damage
- The student checking out equipment is solely responsible for the equipment so entrusted, regardless of group work or any other user.
- If equipment is lost, damaged, or stolen while in the student's possession, he or she may be held responsible for the full amount of its replacement or repair costs.
- If equipment is stolen from the student, he or she must file a report with the appropriate Police Department (and Public Safety if the event occurred on campus) within three (3) days of the theft and provide a copy of the police report to Media Arts.
- Any equipment returned damaged will be assessed and documented by the Equipment Checkout staff and reported to the Department Dean for determination of repair or replacement costs. The student will be held responsible for all costs.
- Failure of any student to pay replacement or repair costs will result in a financial hold on the student's college account, preventing class enrollment until restitution is paid. Extended failure to make restitution may result in the reporting of debt to collection agencies, private investigators, police departments, or other agencies as part of an effort to collect payments.
- Any financial penalties for loss or damage are separate from, and will be levied in addition to, any late fines the student accrues.
- A financial fee or penalty in contention may be brought to the Department Dean upon request.
Entry to Equipment Rooms
- Students may not enter the equipment checkout room(s) at any time unless so instructed by the ECO Staff.
- Repeated Violation of the above rules and regulations can result in penalization up to and including temporary or permanent suspensions of check out privileges as determined by the ECO Staff.
- The student's agreement on the Media Arts student account sign up form verifies that he or she understands and accepts as binding the above rules and regulations.
Email us if you have any questions: