The Dental Clinic on Willamette Street is Lane Community College's Dental Public Health Restorative Clinic.
You've got a lot to smile about!
- Full-service dental clinic
- Specializing in treating patients without recent access to dental care
- Teeth cleaning and restorative services
- Affordable procedures
All Ages Welcome!
Call today to schedule your dental hygiene evaluation: 541-463-5206 | Appointments
Conveniently located at: 2460 Willamette St, Eugene, OR

The goal of the Lane Dental Clinic is to provide the public with patient-centered, comprehensive, preventive and therapeutic dental care, while at the same time providing practical, educational experiences for dental hygiene and dental assisting students.
Lane Restorative Dental Clinic, Upper Level
2460 Willamette St
Eugene, OR 97405
- Blood pressure screening
- Oral screening by staff dentists
- X-rays as needed:
- Bite wings
- Full mouth surveys
- Panoramic films
- Non-surgical periodontal therapy/teeth cleaning
- Fluoride treatment
- Nutritional counseling
- Oral hygiene instruction
- Sealants
- Restorative (provided only to patients who have completed dental hygiene services)
Frequently Asked Questions
The clinic is open to the general public with emphasis on adult patients who have not had regular preventive dental care. It it is not our policy to alternate care with their general dentists. We become your general dentist.
- Screening appointment: No Charge
- Adults: $50.00
- Children: $35.00 • Sealants (per): $10.00
- Full mouth series: $40.00 • Panoramic x-ray: $30.00
- Nitrous per session: $45.00
- Restorative: variable fees
Depending on the service, licensed Dentists or Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting students provide services under the supervision of dentists and faculty members who are registered Dental Hygienists or Certified Dental Assistants. Universal Precautions (infection control and safety guidelines) recommended by the CDC and ADA are used to protect patients' health and safety.
Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting students provide services that meet their educational requirements. All needs of the patient may not be met and the patient may be referred back to the family dentist. A referral listing of dentists in the community is available by calling the Lane County Dental Society at 541-686-1175.
The initial no-cost appointment will take 1 hour. Patient treatment appointments take up to three and one half hours. Students are being supervised and evaluated by experienced and licensed faculty during all phases of treatment. Additional appointments are often needed to provide comprehensive, quality preventive dental care. Allow plenty of time.
Clinic hours and appointments vary; please call 541-463-5206 to discuss appointment availability.
The facility uses digital radiography. At your request, diagnostic x-rays can be sent to your dentist. Please inform your student clinician or the reception desk personnel of the dental office where you would like your films sent.
The Dental Clinic is located at 2460 Willamette St (Second Floor) in Eugene.