Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU)

Honoring Asian and Pacific Islander multicultural identities, backgrounds, and lived experiences at Lane

The Asian and Pacific Islander Student Programs at the Multicultural Center in Bldg 1 Room 206 is the home of Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) and is the center of connection, advocacy and support for all self-identified Asian and Pacific Islander students and A/PI campus community as well as campus allies at Lane Community College (LCC) to meet, talk, celebrate, collaborate, learn, promote and encourage awareness of the diverse Asian and Pacific Islander cultures, practices, traditions and indigenous ways of knowing at LCC and within our community. The Asian and Pacific Islander Student Programs and APISU is served by the guidance of faculty program coordinator and advisor Kumu Iwalani Raes at

Advising Hours and Availability

Fall Term 2024

We warmly welcome YOU, our new and returning Lane A/PI Titans, to Lane Community College 2024/2025! We are truly excited for your fresh ideas, positive energy and collaboration with fellow students and staff with the many campus and student engagements and learning opportunities this Fall season and all through the upcoming terms in this academic year. Make sure you visit our Schedule of Events and Activities this term to find out more.

Week 2: Resource Fair & APISU Meeting (in-person)

Tue October 8 from 2:30pm-3:30pm, APISU 1st Meeting of Term (Multicultural Ctr, 1/206). Come on over and meet your APISU advisor and fellow students for the first meeting of the term and year. Snacks available.

Tue October 8 from 10am-2pm, Lane Campus Fall Term Resource Fair (CEN, first floor by Food Court). Everything you ever wanted to know about campus life at Lane plus all the support and resources youʻll need. Bring your smiles and questions and be ready to meet your new friends and fam at APISU and your support team on-campus for your success at Lane.

Week 1: Welcome Week

Wed/Thur October 2 and 3 from 10am-2pm, APISU Tabling (CEN, first floor by Food Court). Come stop by and say hello! Our student leaders and advisor will be there to greet you and tell you about how you can be part of all the student engagements for APISU this term.

APISU Student Organization Leadership Opportunities

APISU is looking for highly motivated students committed to learning, developing and practicing their leadership skills in synergistic lead/supportive roles at the Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) campus student organization. All currently enrolled and registered students are invited and encouraged to apply. Commitment requirements are flexible at per term or per academic year. Please send a letter of interest by email to Kumu Iwalani Raes at

Spring Term 2024

Week 10: Friday, June 7, 5:30-8pm, Lōkahi: Harmony and Strength in our Traditions," (Kalapuya Longhouse, Bldg 31). The goal of "Lōkahi: Harmony and Strength in our Traditions" is to bring the many communities of the people of Austronesian, Asia, Oceania, and Pacific Islanders in a diversity of languages, heritage, arts, and traditions in a voice and vision of harmony that honors cultural values and multiethnic ancestral identities to create a space of joy, learning, understanding, and freedom of expression of languages, customs, arts, indigenous knowledge and lifeways. Register here.

Week 8: Tuesday, May 21, 3-4:30pm Pacific Standard Time. Mō'ike Aloha with Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer, Hawaiian Epistemology: The Role of Aloha in World Transformation. (This is a hybrid event: in-person at the Multicultural Center 1/206 and virtual via Zoom).

Summary: Aloha is the primal source of our collective evolution, come to learn how and why.

Vocabulary you will learn: aloha, hoʻopono, ʻoiaʻiʻo, kūkulukumuhana, ʻike naʻau, hoʻomanawanui.

Narrative: Dr. Manulani Aluli Meyer is a worldwide teacher of ʻike kupuna, Hawaiian values and principles. She is dedicated to the role aloha will play in global awakening and enjoys every chance to share on this topic. Her work has been in the field of Indigenous Epistemology (Philosophy of Knowledge) and in using these ideas to inspire the changes necessary in the fields of Education, Research, Evaluation, Health and academia in general. Register here.

Week 7: Thursday, May 16, 2-3:30pm Pacific Standard Time. Arts & Traditions of Oceania: Hawaiian wood Carving with William Miki Kalaniopio Cook. (This is a HYBRID event: in-person at the Multicultural Center 1/206 and virtual via Zoom).

Asian and Pacific Islander Student Programs presents “Arts and Traditions of Oceania: Hawaiian Wood Carving” with Native Hawaiian master carver and educator, William Miki Kalaniopio Cook. His primary educational interests and focus are in ‘Olelo Hawai’i, Hawaiian wood carving, the study of neolithic tools and indigenous crafts of Hawaiian origin. His master’s research centered on building a repository of Hawaiian Language terminology for use in carving contexts and curriculum building. Lane’s Asian and Pacific Islander Student Programs Faculty Program Coordinator, Kumu Iwalani Raes, is honored to be able to share this live simultaneous broadcast in O’ahu, Hawai’i and in our Lane Multicultural Center campus space for this special hybrid interactive presentation. Register Here.

Week 6: APISU DIY Craft Week, Tue/Wed, May 7 and 8 from 12pm-2pm (Multicultural Center 1/206). Come join APISU at the MCC, learn and create something of beauty with your very own hands. Possible crafts that may be shared may include origami, doodle art, and others. All supplies provided. Just bring your interest, positive energy and smiles.

Week 5: APISU Midterm Marvel Superhero Week (Films), Tue/Wed, April 29 and May 1 from 12pm-2pm (Multicultural Center 1/206). Letʻs get together to celebrate our favorite superheroes in stories of overcoming adversity and fostering hope. Film selections from our fearless APISU leadership team. Fresh popcorn available.

Week 4: APISU Midday Games Meetup (Board Games), Tues/Wed, April 23 and 24 from 12pm-2pm (Multicultural Center 1/206). Got time to connect and meet other students and your campus community in between classes or while youʻre on campus? Come on over to meet new people and have fun with a selection of games curated by our APISU student leaders. Donʻt miss out on creating new friendships and a chance to decompress your stress-level. Snacks and fun!

Week 3: APISU Movie Matinee (Adventure Series), Tues/Wed, April 16 and 17 from 12pm-2pm (Multicultural Center 1/206). Come on over for this midday self-care focus and enjoy a film screened by our APISU student leaders along with fresh popcorn and snacks.

Week 2: Zentangle Meditative Art. Tuesday, April 9 and Wednesday April 10 from 12-2pm (Multicultural Center 1/206). Have you ever tangled...Zen-tangled, that is? Zentangle is an artform that is both meditative and creative that invites the participant to bring focus to the breath and the present moment while engaging in the creation of a unique piece of art. Guided instruction, materials are provided, and the work is done in community with others. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate available at the MCC. Curious? Come join us!

Week 1: APISU Welcomes New and Returning Students, Tuesday April 2 from 10a-2p and Wednesday April 3 from 10a-1p, CEN 2nd floor. Come say hello and visit the APISU table on the first week of Spring term and see what APISU is up to this term.

The Practice of Traditional Hula at Lane Community College: Ka Pā Hula O Nā Kama O Kalapuya under the direction of Kumu Iwalani Raes. For info on current schedule of classes and meetings, please contact A/PI programs faculty coordinator Kumu Iwalani Raes at

Winter Term 2024

Week 10: ATA, An APISU Comedy Nite Experience, Friday, March 15, 3p-7:30p. APISU presents a great lineup of local AA/PI artists in this very special night of humanity, culture, friendship and humor that transcends ethnic and racial boundaries. Free event (tickets required for entry to show).

Week 9: Cafe APISU, Wednesday, March 6, 3p-3:30p, MCC 1/206. Self-serve hot chocolate and canapes, conversation, and enjoy live-action and animated film shorts.

Week 7: Lunar New Year Celebration, Tuesday, February 20, 12:30p-2p, MCC 1/206. Come join the students of APISU as we recognize and honor Lunar New Year as the Year of the Wood Dragon with refreshments, conversation and friendship.

Week 6: Pinoy Movie Night, Friday, February 16, 3p-7:30p. Enjoy a double-feature of Pilipino film-stories about family, traditions, culture, and thriving in the diaspora. Post-screening social and light refreshments. Free event (tickets required for theater entry--see APISU during Resource Fair tabling or contact

Week 4: APISU "Chaa ʻn Chat" rotating weekly on Tuesdays (1p-2p) and Wednesdays (11:30a-12:30p). Engaging conversations of the college experience with being multicultural and multiethnic as Asian and Pacific Islanders. How do we navigate where we are in this space/time and how we define our own meaning of success in relationship with ourselves, each other, families and communities? All are welcome. Light refreshments.

Week 3: APISU and NASA Chili Cook-Off and Movie Night, Thursday, January 25, 3p-7p (Kalapuya Longhouse). Students of Native American Student Association (NASA) and Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) welcome meetup for Winter term 2024.

Week 2: APISU Tabling at Lane Resource Fair, Tuesday, January 16, 10a-2p (CEN 2nd floor). Visit, meet, and chat it up with student leaders to find out what events and activities APISU student union has planned for Winter Term 2024.

Week 1: Winter Welcome Week, APISU "U-Be Welcome in Winter Term," Monday, January 8, 10am-2pm (CEN 2nd floor). The student leaders of Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) invite you to come stop by on this very special first-day-of-term tabling event. Serving up "ube champorado"--a deliciously warm pudding made with sweet rice, chocolate and purple yam--the perfect winter morning snack on your way to- or from- your class in-person at main campus. Find our more about APISU and upcoming events and how you can be part of it. Weʻll see you then!

Fall Term 2023

Week 8: Parol for the Holidays (Filipino Traditional Crafts), Tuesday, November 14, 1pm-3:30pm (in-person), Multicultural Center 1/206. Your APISU leadership team is excited to share the how-toʻs and the whyʻs of this Filipino traditional craft for the holiday season. Learn how to make it or as a special one-of-a-kind gift from the stars up above. APISU supplies all the materials, you bring the enthusiasm and good energy. Meet new people, engage in meaningful conversation. Light refreshments served. Limited capacity so register early to secure your spot by emailing and type "Parol Workshop" in the subject heading.

Week 5: Pinoy Potluck, Monday, October 23, 12pm-2pm, Multicultural Center 1/206: Join us at the MCC for a fun-filled campus gathering! Weʻll have music, displays, games, open-mic karaoke, mahjong, and more! Bring an entree or dessert enough to share with five or six people. APISU will provide drinks, steamed rice, utensils, plates, and activities. Together, weʻll all bring the fun!

Week 5: Multiple Film Screenings from October 23-24 (MCC 1/206): Join fellow students at the Multicultural Center for two days of focused film screenings as we round out the final week of October in celebration of Filipino American History Month:

Week 5: Ameri-Pino, Recognizing Filipino Heritage in America, Monday, October 23, 12pm-12:30pm. As a multi‐ethnic American of Filipino heritage, Patrick uses a cine‐ethnographic approach to discover what it is to be an American Filipino. Beginning in Las Vegas, Nevada, we are introduced to Aurelio Dela Cruz, a first generation Filipino and American World War II veteran. Aurelio’s description of Filipino identity through bloodline and family togetherness leads to interviews of Caesar Elpidio and Luke Perry, hosts of radio talk show, the “Two Guys Show” and observation of the first Briones family reunion outside of the Philippines. Returning to Los Angeles, California, Patrick narrows the quest of individual American Filipino identity with visits to heritage sites in Historic Filipino town and personal experience interviews of his father, Patrick Gadut, Sr. and friend, Gwen Velasco. Despite the generational struggles of heritage recognition, hyphenated identity, and discovery of ethnic discrimination, Ameri‐Pino reveals the strengths of the American Filipino community.

Week 5: Silent Sacrifices, Voices of the Filipino-American Family, Tuesday, October 24, 2:30pm-3:00pm. An insightful study of Filipino American family dynamics and psychologies, Silent Sacrifices delves into the cultural conflicts Filipino immigrants and their American-born children encounter on a daily basis. Frank discussions between teens, young adults and their parents reveal how issues of ethnic identity and opposing Filipino and American values contribute to youths' bouts with depression, parenting difficulties and inter-generational misunderstandings. Intent on breaking the silence that allows dysfunctions to develop, the documentary and its accompanying educational guide offer an invaluable starting point for enhancing family communication within one of the country's fastest growing demographics.

Week 2: MCC & APISU Honors Filipino-American History Month in October: Come celebrate and honor Filipino American History Month with special events and activities planned by the student leaders of the Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) this month. Events will be posted here as they become available.

The Multicultural Center will feature the Filipino flag and offer various events and activities that feature language, culture, arts, film and literature of the Filipino people. With over 7,000 islands in the archipelago, the Philippines has an extremely rich and vast cultural landscape. We are honored to share in the celebration of this rich heritage of the Filipinos at Lane. Find out more by engaging with APISU at the Multicultural Center!

Week 1: Multicultural Center and APISU Honors Hawaiian History Month: Wednesday, September 27, 3:00pm-4:30pm (Multicultural Center, Bldg 1, Room 206). Come celebrate and recognize Hawaiian History Month with a special film screening event at the Multicultural Center of "The Waterman" narrated by Jason Momoa.

Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku, more well-known around the world as Duke Kahanamoku, was a gold medalist Olympic swimmer and brought global awareness and recognition to the sport of surfing. During an incident at Newport Beach in California where a fishing vessel capsized, Duke Kahanamoku rescued the vesselʻs crew by using his surfboard. This act led to "lifeguards across the country to begin using surfboards as standard equipment for water rescues" (Wikipedia).

Learn more about the legacy of Kanaka Maoli like Duke Kahanamoku and their significant contributions to world history and sports in this film that is sure to stimulate lively conversations, shed new information, and shift perspectives about Hawaiʻi that youʻve never known before. Light refreshments.

Fall 2023: Welcome, New and Returning APISU Students

We look forward to welcoming you to Lane campus beginning Fall term 2023 during Lane Campus Welcome (Weeks 1-3) where we will be tabling at one of three locations each week: either outdoors at Center Plaza, Multicultural Center office (Bldg 1, Room 206) or at the Center Building (2nd floor) to greet you to a fresh new academic year 2023/2024.

Connect with our campus Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) and share your ideas to help plan a great and engaging year ahead. We are looking to fill APISU leadership positions this academic year, as well. Your voice and vision matters!

If you have any questions or would like to connect with the APISU Advisor, please email Kumu Iwalani Raes at You can also schedule a 30-min introductory virtual meeting via Zoom by clicking the Advising Hours and Availability link above.

Spring Term 2023

Asian and Pacific Islander Community Multicultural Celebration 2023: Friday, June 2 @ 4:00pm-7:00pm, (Kalapuya Longhouse, Bldg 31, LCC main campus). Join the student leaders of Laneʻs Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union and the A/PI community with a multicultural celebration and gathering this Spring term. Featuring music, arts, food, crafts, and cultural performances by Lane campus community--APISU leaders and International Program students, student leaders from 4J, and a very special taiko drumming presentation by UO Ahiru Daiko. Volunteers needed. For info, please contact Asian and Pacific Islander Programs coordinator at

Saturday, April 22 @ 10am-3pm, APISU "Spring Leadership Wellness Retreat 2023." Welcoming leaders involved in student and campus organizations who hold one or more leadership roles and responsibilities. Workshops on community building, self- and group care, creating a space for mindful communication and effective leadership, and more. Please contact Asian and Pacific Islander Programs coordinator at

LCC and 4J Schools Family Night at the MCC: Friday, April 21 @ 3:30pm-5:30pm. Student leaders of Asian and Pacific Islander Student Unions in various 4J middle schools and high schools, along with their families, meet and connect for this special event at the Multicultural Center this Spring term. For info, please contact Asian and Pacific Islander Programs coordinator at

Winter Term 2023

LCC NASA PowWow 2023: Saturday, April 1 @ 11am-8pm Native American Student Association (NASA) and Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) student leaders collaborate together with the help and guidance of the areaʻs local Native American community to plan and coordinate the annual NASA powwow at main campus this year. Featuring a very special Hula Kahiko presentation by the student leaders of NASA and APISU under the direction of Kumu Iwalani Raes during the powwow dinner hour at Titan Coliseum. Visit the NASA Info Booth at the main powwow entrance in Bldg 5 for the dayʻs schedule, raffle tickets, powwow t-shirts for purchase, and more information.

APISU Pre-Finals Self Care: Thursday, March 16 @ 12pm-2pm (Multicultural Center, 1/206). Come join APISU members for a fun campus community gathering featuring some self-care strategies and some great peer support. APISU student members will hold short workshops and interactive sessions to guide you through simple mindfulness exercises and techniques to support you for studying for finals. Weʻll have games, music, snacks, self-care activities, swag and goodies. MCC also offers coffee, tea, and hot apple cider.

ʻUke Jam at the MCC, Winter 2023: Wednesdays @ 3pm-4pm. (Multicultural Center, 1/206). Campus community music and cultural engagement. Meet up in 1/206 main space. First meet-up on March 8 and continues till end of term.

HULA 1 Winter 2023: Wednesdays @ 4pm-5pm. (Multicultural Center, 1/206) will cover traditional Hawaiian storytelling through dance, chant, and language in the two main classifications of Hawaiian movement arts today for an upcoming campus presentation in Spring term. Appropriate Garment: Bring a full-size fabric sarong/pareo or a traditional paʻū to wear for practice. Please contact Kumu Iwalani Raes at for more information.

Campus Conversations by APISU, Winter 2023: Thursdays @ 12pm-1:30pm. (Multicultural Center, 1/206) is an on-going student-led activity held weekly this term on Thursdays from 12:00pm-1:30pm at the Multicultural Center (Bldg 1, Room 206). Campus Conversations offers peer-to-peer support in a space to talk it out with friends. Coffee, tea and snacks available. Please contact Kumu Iwalani Raes at for more information.

APISU Movie Meetup: Thursday, March 9 @ 12pm-2pm. (Multicultural Center, 1/206). Come join APISU members in a fun campus community gathering with a mid-day movie screening at the Multicultural Center! Come hang out and meet new friends on-campus! MCC also offers coffee, tea, and hot apple cider and just for this week, snacks and popcorn!

Kanikapila, Conversations in Hawaiian Music: Jan 25-Mar 1: Wednesdays @ 3pm-4pm (Multicultural Center, 1/206). (CRN 31750, Hybrid) is an invitation to our Lane community of students, staff and faculty to come together to play and enjoy music. Kanikapila happens everywhere in Hawaiʻi--backyard bbqʻs, celebrations from informal to formal gatherings. Music, movement, and language is an important part of culture and communities. In Hawaiʻi, itʻs a wonderful way for family and friends to connect and create a sense of belonging through the familiar sounds of music heard through generations. We are pleased to offer this cultural campus community engagement in a hybrid format (via Zoom and in-person at the Multicultural Center main room) every Wednesday during Winter Term 2023 at 3:00pm from January 25 to March 1. Register for the Zoom link and/or to reserve your spotContact Kumu Iwalani Raes, Faculty Coordinator, Asian and Pacific Islander Programs, Multicultural Center 1/206 at

Kanikapila Conversations in Hawaiian Mele with Guest Artist, Bernard Kalua: Wednesday, February 1, 15 and March 1 @ 3pm-4pm (Multicultural Center, 1/206). We are honored to welcome special guest, Bernard Kalua. Mr. Kalua, originally from Keaukaha, now lives in Waimānalo and has been an indelible part of the local Hawaiian music scene in Hawaiʻi island and Oʻahu. We are excited to have him come join us via Zoom to share his stories of Hawaiian mele and experiences as a professional musician and music mentor. Contact Kumu Iwalani Raes at for more information.

Year of the Rabbit Lunar New Year Potluck: Thursday, February 2 @ 12pm-1:30pm (Multicultural Center, 1/206). APISU membership potluck at the Multicultural Center main gathering space to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. Bring a dish to share. Contact Kumu Iwalani Raes at for more information.

Conversation, College and Chocolate: Thursday, January 25 @ 12pm-1:30pm. (Multicultural Center, 1/206). Want to learn the French perspective on Marketing, International Business, Supply Chain or Finance?  Come visit us at the MCC on January 26 at 12:00 p.m. to learn about Rennes School of Businessʻ opportunities for Lane students to complete their Bachelor Degree in Business in France (yes, France!) in JUST ONE YEAR after completing an Associate Degree. Tuition costs are typically lower than in the US. The program is FAFSA eligible for Direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans.  Courses are taught in English. Not ready to fully transfer? Rennes School of Business offers a two-week summer program (also in France!) with scholarships from the French embassy focused on sustainable business. Refreshments of hot chocolate, coffee, and tea as well as sweet and savory croissants. Please contact Kumu Iwalani Raes at for more information.

Fall Term 2022

Campus Conversations by APISU is an on-going student-led activity held at the main gathering area at the Multicultural Center (Bldg 1, Room 206) this term that provides peer-to-peer support and a valuable space to share experiences of college life with fellow students. Coffee, tea and snacks available. Please contact Kumu Iwalani Raes at for more information.

E Mālana Kākou: Hula 1 tuition-free online synchronous course is an introduction to the movement fundamentals of hula: terminology, posture, basic footwork, hand/arm gestures and positioning within a wellness approach. Introduction to the two general classifications of hula--Hula Kahiko (classical) and Hula ʻAuana (contemporary) and the accompanying moʻōlelo (stories) related to Hawaiian history, mythology, chiefly leadership, notable place names, and native flora. Wednesdays, 9/28 - 11/16, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. CRN 21751. Instructor: Kumu Iwalani Raes, Faculty F/T, Multicultural Center office and coordinator of Asian and Pacific Islander Programs.

For more information, please email or to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment via Zoom.

Contact Asian Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU)

Lane Community College
Multicultural Center - Asian and Pacific Islander American Student Program
Building 1, Room 206
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405-0640

Building 1, Room 206

Coordinador del Programa de Estudiantes Americanos de Asia y las Islas del Pacifico: Kumu Iwalani Raes: (541) 463-3245
Appointments and advising available virtually (via Zoom) and in-person, please request via email or Google Chat at

The Multicultural Center Office hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday during Fall Term 2024.

Additional APISU Advising hours (including evenings/weekends) via Zoom. Email your APISU advisor for available days and times.

Note: LCC is closed on Fridays during summer term.