Health Related Policies

Patient Rights and Responsibilities as a patient at the LCC Health Clinic

Patient Rights

  1. You have the right to considerate, respectful care.
  2. You have the right to have us explain diseases, treatment, and results in an easy-to-understand way.
  3. You have the right to expect that all communications and records about your health care will be treated as confidential, respectful of legal requirements.
  4. You have the right to refuse treatment, as permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of that action.
  5. You have the right to voice any concern or complaints that arise, without fear, regarding your health care with your provider or a staff member.
  6. You have the right to receive nondiscriminatory care regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender, gender orientation, national origin, disability, or age.
  7. You have the right to involve yourself or your family in any aspect of your care.

Patient Responsibilities

  1. Give your provider, clinic staff, and fellow patients respect and consideration. This includes no shouting, threats, cursing, or violence of any kind.
  2. Provide complete, accurate, honest information about your health so that the staff can give you the best health care possible.
  3. Keep your scheduled appointments or reschedule those appointments in advance.
  4. Follow through with your care plan, including follow-up appointments, labs, and completing medications. Be sure you leave every visit with a clear understanding of expectations, treatment goals and future plans.
  5. Let us know if you are unable to take your medicine or follow through with your care plan.
  6. Discuss your concerns with the provider or a staff member should problems arise.
  7. Treat the staff and clients/patients in the Clinic without discrimination regardless of race, creed, color, religion, gender, gender orientation, national origin or age.
  8. Be active in your health care decisions. This includes involving your family and/or other trusted adults in any aspect of care that you feel would benefit your care.
  9. Understand that your lifestyle choices affect your personal health.
  10. Give us feedback so we can improve our services.

Medical Records

Privacy Notice

Payment Method

We offer the convenience of placing the charge on your Lane account where you can pay using a credit card.

Appointment Cancellation

It is very important to us to provide high quality care in a timely and efficient manner to all eligible LCC students and staff. It is difficult for us to meet this goal when patients repeatedly fail to keep scheduled appointments without notifying us. We understand that occasionally, unforeseen circumstances occur that make it difficult to keep an appointment. In those instances we would very much appreciate, whenever possible, 24 hours notice of your need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Failure to notify us in advance means that your appointment time cannot be used for another patient. As a result someone who needs care may not be seen. Please be courteous to other patients and cancel your appointment rather than simply missing it. We may ask you to reschedule your appointment if you are 10 minutes late.

We look forward to meeting your healthcare needs. If you have questions about this policy or other questions/concerns regarding the LCC Health Clinic, please contact the Health Clinic Manager, LCC Health Clinic, (541) 463-5665.

    After Hours and Emergency Care

    If you are on campus and are having a medical emergency dial (541) 463-5555. If you are not on campus, dial 911 or report to a local emergency department. LCC health clinic does not provide after hours medical care and does not respond to emergencies on campus.

    Policy on Sick Notes and Medical Excuses 

    The Lane Health Clinic does not routinely provide excuses for students who miss class due to illness or injury. Students are advised to notify their faculty that they are unable to attend class.

    The Health Clinic encourages students to notify their faculty that they are ill or injured and unable to attend (and follow the directions provided by the faculty member on the course syllabus.) It is the purview of the faculty to determine when or if a student will be excused from class.

    This policy is consistent with our commitment to maintain confidentiality, encourage more appropriate use of health care resources, and support meaningful dialogue between teacher and student. Lane Health Clinic encourages these conversations between faculty and students as a step toward adult independence and fits our mission of helping students become better consumers of health care resources and better stewards of their own health.

    It is important for students to learn self-management of colds, flus, other minor illnesses, and minor injuries. Most of these simple illnesses or injuries do not require medical attention. Legitimate reasons to stay home with viral illness include decreasing viral exposures to others in the college community and recuperation or when Public Health announces an epidemic/pandemic. Health Clinic Providers have no special knowledge, equipment, or intuition which tells us how long the student needs to be out, or what impact the illness makes on the student. Illness varies greatly among individuals. Conversations between students and faculty should identify how the student can work around the illness to best continue their academic efforts and achievements.

    Lane Health Clinic No Show Policy

    It is the patient's responsibility to notify the Health Clinic office by calling 541-463-5665 at least 24 hours in advance of their scheduled appointment.

    If you miss three scheduled appointments within a 6-month time frame without notifying the office 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time, the Health Clinic will alter how requests for future appointments will be handled. During the period after your third "no-call/no-show" appointment and for the next 180 days:

    Step 1: For the first 90 days following the third "no-call/no-show" appointment, the patient will only be seen with a "standby" appointment. This means that in order to receive treatment the patient will have to wait in the reception room of the Health Clinic for an opening in a providers' schedule that day. There is no guarantee the the patient will be seen on the day of your standby appointment. Stand-by patients may have to return additional days until our schedule will accommodate the standby appointment. Additionally, that visit will be brief. We will not delay scheduled patients who show up on time in order to accommodate patients waiting on standby.

    Step 2: For the next 90 days, patients will be allowed to schedule regular appointments again. However, during this 90 day period, any no-call/no-show appointments will result in the patient being immediately returned to standby appointments only status for another 90 days, starting the 180 day period over again.

    The goal of this policy is to assure that the Health Clinic providers are able to treat as many patients as possible each day. This allows us to provide the largest benefit to all eligible students and staff. By implementing this policy, we believe we honor patients who schedule and keep their appointments.

    Policies on Controlled Substances

    Policy on Emotional Support Animals

    Emotional support animals may be used as part of the treatment plan for people with a mental or psychiatric disability when deemed appropriate by someone qualified to assess both the mental health of the patient and the suitability of the animal. Providers at the Lane Community College Health Clinic are not in a position to do so.

    While recognizing that animals can offer support, Lane Community College Health Clinic healthcare providers do not provide letters of support to patients for emotional support animals. An outside mental health professional with expertise in this area may be willing to write a letter of support for an emotional support or companion animal.

    Policy for ADD/ADHD

    Providers at Lane Community College Health Clinic do not diagnose ADD/ADHD and do not routinely prescribe nor refill medications to treat ADD/ADHD.

    If you are taking ADD/ADHD medications that have been prescribed elsewhere, we encourage you to continue the relationship with that provider for follow up and medication refills.

    If you are concerned about ADD/ADHD, resources are available in the community for comprehensive assessment so that you can receive an accurate diagnosis. If you have ADD or ADHD and need a provider, local psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners can prescribe medications for ADD and ADHD.

    Lane Community College Health Related Policies