The Lane Community College Student Government (Lane SGA) is funded by a portion of your Student Activity Fee. The Lane SGA receives $10.00 from the Student Activity Fee to fund its operations. We pay stipends to our officers and support events planned by student clubs and the student identity unions. We use funds to host events that benefit our student body and provide engagement opportunities.
Budget Process
Every year, the Lane SGA budget is created by updating a projection created in the prior year for the Student Activity Fee Committee along with the allocated budget from Lane’s Budget Office. The budget committee is chaired by the Treasury Officer, a member of the Senate and works with the Lane SGA advisor, The committee uses the actual number of student activity fee paying students in week three of fall term to create a more accurate version of the projection.
At any time, the Senate can revisit and modify the budget with a vote, moving money from line items where less was spent to where more seems likely to be spent. This allows the current student government to be flexible and modify the budget to fit within their own vision of what they see for student government that year.