Enrollment Services is the office of the Registrar, and can help you with such things as:
- Registering for Classes
- Holds, Changing Grade Options, and Other Registration Issues
- Student Records, including Transcripts, Release of Information, etc.
- Degree Evaluators, including Degree Completion Questions and Transfer of Credits from other institutions
- Placement Testing Assessments
- Changes/Updates to Student Information, such as Name Changes, Social Security Numbers, Contact Information
- Access to the myLane System
We have a number of service options available to you in person, over the phone, or through email.
Forms/Mail: Many of our forms can be accessed electronically. Please check our forms page for specifics for each form regarding how to submit electronically.
Fax: 541-463-3995 (Currently checked only once per week.
Webform: Use our webform below for best service. Our direct email address is asklane@lanecc.edu. If you are a student, always use your @my.lanecc.edu student email to contact us, and watch for our response there. If you are not a student, or if you have not yet received your student email address, you may use your personal email or use our webform below.
In Person Service: Enrollment Services has daily drop in services available. We are located in the Student Services Building in building one of Lane’s main campus. We are open for service Monday through Wednesday from 8:30am to 5pm, Thursdays from 10am to 5pm and on Fridays from 8:30am until 2pm.
- Log into your Lane Student Email account. (yourname@my.lanecc.edu) You must initiate chat from your Lane email account.
- On the left side will be a "+" sign next to your name. If you hover the mouse over it, it will say "New Conversation." Click the "+" link to initiate the chat.
- Where it says "Enter name, email, or phone" enter asklane@lanecc.edu and then hit Enter.
- You will now have a chat box where you will be able to type in your question.
- Click "Send Invite" if this is the first time chatting.
- We will respond as quickly as possible.
Contact Enrollment Services

4000 E 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405
Rest of term: 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
LCC is closed on Fridays in the summer.