Specialized Support Services (S3) provides job training and education to adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. We've trained students since 1973 and help prepare them for meaningful employment in the community.
As part of the program, we work in cooperation with Lane County Office of Developmental Disabilities, and the State of Oregon's Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Division to offer intensive individual instruction and skills development to help our student workers be successful in their job placements.
We currently provide training to student workers in the following areas:
- Custodial Services
- Waste Management/Recycling
- Confidential Shredding
- Campus Delivery Services
- Housekeeping Services
- Job Development/Job Coaching Services for Community Placement
Additional Information
Specialized Support Services foresees all people, regardless of ability or disability, being involved and valued members of their community. All individuals will grow towards self-fulfillment through self-direction with support.
Specialized Support Services envisions a community devoted to serving individuals with disabilities through collaboration, personal empowerment, and integrity.
Mission Statement:
We support students who experience barriers accessing educational and vocational opportunities by providing equitable and integrated community training for future competitive employment.
Specialized Support Services envisions a community devoted to serving individuals with disabilities through collaboration, personal empowerment, and integrity. We value a learning environment, which promotes open communication, trust, and teamwork through a safe, healthy, fun, and integrated work environment. We believe that supporting community partners in creating more inclusive policies and procedures is essential to the success of our students and to the growth of our greater community.
At our organization, all individuals have the right to:
- Freedom to self-determination
- Attain economic self-sufficiency
- Full community participation and equal opportunity
- Accept challenges with qualified, compassionate, and respectful support
For more information on eligibility of DD/ID services:
- Lane County DD/ID Services - Lane County DD/ID intake and eligibility information
- Full Access Brokerage - Assists individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to pursue a quality of life that is consistent with their preferences and choices
- Mentor Oregon Brokerage - Provides services and supports to help individuals of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other challenges build increasingly rich, independent lives in the communities they call home
- Oregon Department of Human Services – Seniors and Disability Services - Assists those seeking services and supports for an adult or child with developmental disabilities
To receive employment services and training from Specialized Support Services, a person must have a Developmental Disability, or other cognitive limitation which is documented by a qualified professional (usually a physician).
What is a "Developmental Disability"?
The Oregon Administrative Rule section 411-320-0020 definition:
(17) "Developmental disability" means a neurological condition that:
(a) Originates before the individual reaches the age of 22 years, except that in the case of intellectual disability the condition must be manifested before the age of 18; and
(b) Originates in and directly affects the brain and has continued, or is expected to continue, indefinitely; and
(c) Constitutes a significant impairment in adaptive behavior as diagnosed and measured by a qualified professional; or
(d) Is not primarily attributed to other conditions, including but not limited to mental or emotional disorder, sensory impairment, substance abuse, personality disorder, learning disability, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
For more information on Eligibility and Screening contact Lane County Office of Developmental Disabilities
In order to meet the changing needs of our student-workers, and the needs of the larger disability community, Specialized Support Services offers vocational assessments. The goal is to provide a variety of short-term experiences for those individuals who are seeking a new career or have little to no work experience to gain some insight into future career options.
Competitive Job Development
In addition to the small group employment settings that Specialized Support Services operates, we also offer Job Development Services.
Student-workers who have the skills necessary to succeed in the competitive employment market receive help finding and maintaining employment.
We specialize in matching individual skills, interests, and support needs with potential jobs in the community.
We can provide partnerships that work for:
- Individual training and employment plans
- Ability to work independently & be part of a diversified workforce in the community
- Ability to succeed on-the-job with training support as needed
- Gainful employment
- Enhance Independent living
- Stable workforce; Low turnover
- No placement fees
- Potential for payroll or tax incentives
- Experienced trainers available for on-the-job training and support
- Ongoing support as needed, for as long as it is needed
Time-Limited Projects
We also can assist businesses with special time-limited projects. We have the manpower and facilities to do this work either at our location or at the employer's place of business. We are always looking for opportunities to assist employers in the following areas:
Light Industrial
- Assembly
- Packaging
- Recycling
- Janitorial / Custodial
- Bulk mailing
- Collating
- Labeling
- Stuffing envelopes
- Shredding confidential materials
Local Employers who have hired a Student-Worker include:
- The Downtown Athletic Club
- Hydrofit
- Taco Time
- Hillsboro Lumber
- Albertsons
- Oakway Wine and Deli
- Valley River Center Shopping Mall
- Sizzler
- and more....
To find out more about receiving employment services and training from Specialized Support Services please contact Colin Vurek at 541-463-5100 or vurekc@lnecc.edu
Who works for Specialized Support Services?
People who receive S3 employment training and support are termed "student-workers" because they are both employees of LCC, as well as students at LCC.
Specialized Support Services currently serves 75 student-workers, who are supported and trained by over 40 staff.
What types of jobs do people do?
Student-workers are employed in a variety of on-the-job training sites, including Waste Management and Custodial Services, as well as individualized placements.
Individualized Placements
Specialized Support Services also assists student-workers in seeking and maintaining competitive employment in the larger community. Ongoing support and training are provided as needed once a student-worker has been hired by an outside business or agency.
For more information regarding individualized placements, please refer to the Job Development section below, or contact Patsy Slaughter, SlaughterP@lanecc.edu, (541) 463-5103 for more information.
Example Employment Sites
Recycling Services
One of the job sites where Student-Workers receive employment training is the Recycling Facility on LCC's main campus. 8 Student Workers and several Specialized Support Services staff people operate the Recycling Facility, Monday - Friday, 9:30 am 2:00 pm. They are responsible for collecting and processing the recycled paper, cans, glassware, and cardboard items produced at LCC's main campus, as well as several of Lane's branch locations. Student-Workers are trained in every phase of the recycling process.
For more information on Recycling at LCC, please visit the Recycling Department.
Custodial Services
Specialized Support Services also offers employment training in custodial vocations. We work in a partnership with both the public and private sector business' - they get quality custodial service at a competitive rate, while we are able to provide training for Student Workers in an actual work setting.
For more information regarding Custodial Services, please refer to the Job Development section below, or contact Patsy Slaughter, SlaughterP@lanecc.edu, (541) 463-5103 for more information.
Confidential Document Shredding Services
Specialized Support Services also offers training to Student Workers in processing confidential documents for customers. Using material provided by LCC's Recycling Department, we train Student Workers in proper handling of confidential materials, safe operation of shredding equipment, and final shipment to Recycling facilities off-campus. We also provide Shredding Services at a competitive rate for local area businesses.
For more information regarding Document Shredding Services, please refer to the Job Development section below, or contact Patsy Slaughter, SlaughterP@lanecc.edu, (541) 463-5103 for more information.
Contact Specialized Support Services

4000 E. 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97405