The study of choices
What you’ll earn
The study of economics analyzes and describes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, providing the foundation for a variety of careers.
Transfer Interest Area
From the Great Depression to everyday transactions, economics has a huge impact on people's lives, but how do we understand economics? This field is broken down into macroeconomics (the performance of the economy as a whole) and microeconomics (the economic behavior of consumers or firms). Macroeconomics includes topics such as economic growth, inflation, changes in employment and unemployment, international trade performance, and the relative success or failure of government and Federal Reserve economic policies. While microeconomics looks at the efficient allocation of scarce resources between alternative uses, with consumers seeking to maximize happiness and firm seeking to maximize profit.
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Foundational economic theory
- Financial systems
With an Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree concentrating in economics, you'll have credits that will transfer to leading four year institutions for more in depth study. The AAOT gives you the flexibility to choose courses that interest you while meeting university lower division general education requirements.
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Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon 97405
Thursdays, 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Fridays, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, open until 5pm during the week before and first week of school.
LCC is closed on Fridays in the summer