Greetings LCC Community,
I hope this message finds you and yours safe and well. While the worst of the weather event appears to be over, many of us are still experiencing challenges caused by the ice storm.
This update is to provide LCC employees and students information about conditions at our Eugene and Cottage Grove locations. They are improving; however, the Facilities staff are continuing to work on safety by removing ice and fallen trees/branches. These locations will reopen for all scheduled events beginning Saturday.
Regular class schedules and services will resume Monday. Those continuing to experience challenges through next week are encouraged to communicate with their supervisors or instructors. Please ensure you check your Lane email for any updates or special instructions.
Safety is our highest concern. Roads and sidewalks throughout Eugene and Springfield continue to be ice covered and many trees have fallen. Some traffic lights are out because of power outages, and should be treated as a four-way stop. Use your best judgment to travel safely. Check TripCheck.com for road conditions throughout Oregon. LTD service resumed this morning; see LTD Service alerts for more information.
If you are without power/heat, community resources are available. The Eugene YMCA is offering free showers, charging stations and warming stations; YMCA staff ask that you please bring your photo ID. The Eugene Library, Springfield City Hall, and other community warming centers are also available. Beginning Monday, Building 5 on the main campus will be available for students and employees to take showers. Please bring your own soap, shampoo, and towels.
The Titan Pantry and Closet (formerly the Rainy Day Pantry) will be open Saturday (January 20) and Sunday (January 21) from Noon - 4pm. The Pantry is located in the Center Building, room 153, and can only be accessed on the side of the building facing building 12. This is a Lane student-only resource.
Additional resources in the community include:
- Food For Lane County local Food Pantries - map of all food pantries across Lane County
- Waste to Taste, Weekend Burrito Brigade, and Little Free Food Pantries
- 86 Hunger - Free meal and produce boxes!
- Oregon Food Bank Finder
- Catholic Community Services - visit the food pantry or schedule a food box pick up!
- Positive Community Kitchen - nourishing meals to people in our community members experiencing a health crisis due to a life-threatening illness
Staff are currently working to disburse financial aid refunds. Students receiving a refund who have signed up for direct deposit can anticipate funds posted to their bank account by Monday, January 22. Students who have not signed up for direct deposit will receive a paper check. These checks will be mailed Friday, January 19 to the address on file with the college. E-Mail finaid@lanecc.edu with any questions.
The non-emergency line for LCC Public Safety is 541-463-5558. For emergencies on campus, call LCC Public Safety at 541-463-5555.
Please stay safe. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Stephanie Bulger
LCC President
Lane Community College educates over 15,000 students annually at six locations across Lane County and online. Students and alumni from all 50 states and 79 countries create more than an $675 million dollar impact on the local economy, helping to support more than 8,900 local jobs. Lane provides affordable, quality, professional technical and college transfer programs; business development and employee training; academic, language and life skills development; and lifelong personal development and enrichment courses.