Phi Theta Kappa hero

Phi Theta Kappa - Sigma Zeta Chapter

Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society for two-year colleges. It recognizes and encourages scholarship among college students, providing opportunities for leadership and service. Lane's chapter, Sigma Zeta, has been active since 1968. Today Sigma Zeta has hundreds of members and provides opportunities for developing leadership and scholarship skills. Each year we undertake a College Project, which provides service to our College, and an Honors in Action project, which provides opportunities for scholarship as well as service to our community. Membership is available to students who have completed at least 12 hours of coursework and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25.

Besides becoming involved in chapter, college, and community activities, there are many other benefits to becoming a member. For questions on accepting membership, please visit the application page.

PTK logo

What's New

See upcoming and past events and activities on our Facebook group.

    Connect with Phi Theta Kappa Leaders

    Advisor: Dr Blue Crook,

    Officers for 2024/2025:

    More Information:

    Sigma Zeta Chapter

    The Sigma Zeta Chapter began at Lane Community College in May of 1968, when Lane had fewer than 1000 students. Today, the college is much larger and so is our chapter. The chapter was inactive during the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic, but was revived in 2022 and continues to grow and support student leadership and scholarship. We are proud to have achieved five star status in 2023 and continue to strive for excellence. 

    Each term the Chapter leaders schedule membership meetings and office hours. Once a year we have an induction ceremony to welcome to members and induct officers. Everyone is welcome at membership meetings, so please join us if you would like to see what we have going on. Each year we collaborate on a College Project and an Honors in Action Project, as part of the five-star plan.

    Dr Blue (they/them) is the chapter advisor and holds weekly office hours while classes are in session. They are happy to answer any questions from members and prospective members.

    About Phi Theta Kappa

    The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is to recognize and encourage scholarship among students at community colleges. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.

    Application Information

    Option 1: Online Invitation Acceptance

    Follow the link you received in the invitation email, even if you received it in another term. If you no longer have the email, please contact the advisor for help.

    To determine if you are eligible, please verify the following:

    • I am currently enrolled at Lane in an Associate Degree, Certificate, or other credit program approved for transfer to a 4-year institution.
    • I have successfully completed 12 full-time credits or 18 part-time credits at this institution.
    • I have an accumulative grade point average of 3.25, or higher.
    • I possess self-motivation and dedication to academic excellence.

    I understand that I must meet the standards outlined above and pay one-time only local Sigma Zeta Chapter, Rocky Mountain Cascade Region, and International dues. Pay dues of $95 and participate only in Chapter activities of my choice with no requirements to attend any activities.

    Option 2: Transfer Membership

    Members transferring from other Phi Theta Kappa Chapters pay only a pro-rated fee; contact the advisor to complete this process. The transfer membership fee is $25. 

    Contact the Chapter for more information
