Heath Insurance Requirements

All International students attending Lane Community College must have health insurance. Health insurance is a very important part of your educational expenses because of the high costs of medical care in the U.S.

The school has a policy, which currently costs $505 per term (average $169 per month ) for the full year of 2022-2023. Each term you the cost of insurance will be added to your Lane bill and you will be automatically enrolled only for that current term (one term’s charges only).

You will be required to purchase the college policy unless you provide a Certificate of Insurance. Only health insurance policies from your home country, your government sponsor, or a policy where you are covered as a dependent by your parents or spouse’s employer in the United States are allowed. The proof must be provided and approved before the first day of classes. Private policies that do not show comparable coverage will not be accepted and you will be automatically enrolled in and responsible for payment of the school policy. Please submit the Certificate of Insurance online for approval.

Pre-existing conditions (a health condition, diagnosis or medication that you are already being treated for) will not be insured for the first three months of coverage. Coverage includes routine wellness, accident, and illness care. It does not include Dental insurance for extractions or treatments.

Coverage Type Private Policy
Minimum Requirement
Maximum available with Lane's policy
Accident Medical Expense $500,000 or better $500,000 maximum benefit
Illness Medical Expense $500,000 or better $500,000 maximum benefit
Medical Evacuation $50,000 or better Up to $50,000 if arranged through Lewer
Repatriation $50,000 or better Up to $50,000 if arranged through Lewer

** Maternity coverage for females must be included (per State of Oregon law).

No less coverage will be accepted. If you would like us to review your current policy or a proposed policy for acceptance, please send us a Certificate of Insurance including the amount of the coverage. Your personal document must be in English and an original document. I.D. cards without policy information are not accepted.

Medivac and Repatriation coverage provides worldwide emergency medical assistance services plus unlimited medical evacuation and repatriation benefits and is not often automatically included in private insurance. However, it is required and private policies will not be accepted without this coverage.

Lane will provide information at orientation about our insurance coverage including policy information, identification cards and insurance website information. Read more about specific LewerMark policy information. Also, Lane Community College students are allowed to take advantage of our no- or low-cost health care in the on-campus Health Clinic to reduce health care costs. This should be the first place you go if you have medical problems.

We want your stay here to be as pleasant, healthy and successful as possible. Your health is an important part of this.