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Faculty Council Charter -New - Approved 5-12-23.docx
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Faculty Council Charter

Adopted May 2023

1 Mission Statement

1.1 Faculty Council contributes to the quality of education at Lane as the deliberative faculty representative group on academic matters. Faculty Council fosters collaboration among campus constituencies, advocates for a rigorous and equitable environment for teaching and learning, and crafts policies related to teaching, learning, and institutional success. It may also consider other matters brought before it.

2 Roles

2.1 As provided for by the LCCEA contract, Faculty Council may refer issues on academic policies of the college to a vote in which the whole faculty may participate. The Faculty Council shall be responsible for defining and ensuring timely college-wide debate and subsequent voting process, and for formulating and publishing the results.

2.2 As provided for by the LCCEA contract, Faculty Council's responsibilities include academic policy and grading policy. Faculty Council shall participate in the development of campus-wide course evaluative tools.  Academic and grading policies approved by Faculty Council shall be forwarded to College Council.

2.3 Faculty Council provides a campus-wide forum for faculty to collaborate in governance over academic issues and policies within its authority as established by tradition, contract, and need.

2.4 Faculty Council will select the majority or greater of members on academic committees from the faculty at large. Faculty representatives will communicate regularly with the council to report on committee activities and receive direction from the council. Faculty Council appoints/recommends faculty to serve on committees such as the Curriculum Committee, Assessment Team, Academic Requirements Review Committee, including other standing curricular committees.

2.5 Faculty Council works in concert with Administration, other Governance councils, The Lane Community College Education Association (LCCEA), and other faculty groups to address campus-wide issues.

2.6 Faculty Council provides faculty perspectives in response to issues raised by the college administration, LCCEA, or any other college body.

2.7 Faculty Council provides a critical nexus of communication between faculty, staff, and administration.

2.8 Faculty Council addresses issues, sparks discussion, develops solutions, and assists with implementing changes.

3 Operation

3.1 Freedom of Discussion

3.1.1 In realizing its role, any issue that impacts on the faculty at large, excluding legally confidential matters, may be considered by this group. However, Faculty Council does not engage in dealing/bargaining.

3.2 Communication

3.2.1 The Faculty Council will keep faculty informed about campus issues by: Receiving reports from representatives to the Faculty Council. Reserving a portion of the agenda for those outside of the Faculty Council to introduce issues, give reports, etc., as appropriate. Directing Faculty Council representatives to keep their constituents informed. Hosting forums. Appointing Faculty Council representatives to college councils and committees, and soliciting and receiving reports from them. Online communication to representatives and the faculty at large.

3.3 Academic Program Decision Making

3.3.1 The Faculty Council provides a means for faculty to make decisions on academic matters by: Acting as a forum for discussing ideas and proposals. Acting as the approval body for faculty on college-wide instructional plans as outlined in governance council charters, including: Appointing faculty members to College Council ad hoc committees to develop the Academic Plan and Strategic Enrollment Management Plan for approval by College Council. Establishing task forces on issues that need a plan or proposal submitted to Faculty Council when deemed appropriate. Making decisions on other appropriate matters as it sees fit. Providing an avenue for developing relationships among faculty members. Working in conjunction with the LCCEA and respecting each other's jurisdiction.

4 Organizational Structure

4.1 Membership

4.1.1 Divisions will make provisions for faculty members to actively participate in Faculty Council.

4.1.2 Members of the Faculty Council are representatives of Faculty Council units. Representatives will serve two-year terms, be selected during spring term in alternate years, and may serve for consecutive terms. Where units are composed of multiple disciplines or instructional areas, units are encouraged to choose their representatives from different disciplines/areas. These units are defined effective for the 2023-2024 Academic Year based on the Fall 2021 LCCEA Bargaining Roster and revised by Faculty Council, as provided below. A current version of this list can be found on the Faculty Council website. Faculty in each unit will elect their own representatives to send to the Council. Each unit shall be allotted one representative per every fifteen (15) Total Contracted and Part-time Faculty FTE during the Spring term of the previous Academic Year, with a maximum of three (3) representatives per Unit (i.e., 0.01 – 14.99 FTE = 1 representative, 15 – 29.99 FTE = 2 representatives, 30 or more FTE = 3 representatives).  Units with fewer than five (5) total Faculty FTE may choose to join together to elect a single representative. Each Spring term the Faculty Council Co-Chairs will propose annual updates that include: 1) reviewing the academic units and proposing adjustments as they deem appropriate; 2) identifying the number of representatives for each unit for the following academic year using the formula above, based the Total Faculty FTE as provided in the Faculty Roster provided to the LCCEA; and 3) receiving requests from units to add one additional representative above that allotted by their FTE; and 4) reach out to new and/or unrepresented units to encourage Faculty Council participation. These updates and proposals will be forwarded to the Faculty Council for consideration. The Faculty Council shall vote to approve, modify, or reject said proposals; approval requires two-thirds majority support.  

4.1.3 Special elections may be held when needed to fill vacant positions.

4.1.4 Full-time and part-time faculty teaching during the forthcoming academic year shall be eligible to be elected as unit representatives.

4.1.5 Elections shall be conducted within each unit according to the established unit practice or by secret ballot.

4.1.6 Although elected representatives are the decision-making members, Faculty Council meetings are open to the entire college community, and attendance by any interested party is encouraged. The goal of the Council is to foster effective communication and collegial discussion of issues for the entire faculty.

4.1.7 All faculty members are encouraged to participate in other college committees and task forces as well as any other college activity that involves faculty. The Council shall actively solicit/encourage full faculty participation in shared governance and in promoting/maintaining transparency in all college processes to the extent allowed by law.

4.1.8 Regular attendance of Council representatives will ensure continuity in the decision-making.

4.1.9 All members shall have equal access to the same information that, to the extent practical, consists of primary documents as well as digests and analysis.

4.1.10 The Faculty Council shall include a non-voting representative from the Office of Instruction & Student Services (OISS), LCCEA, The Associated Students of Lane Community College (ASLCC), and Lane Community College Employee Federation (LCCEF).

4.1.11 Part-time faculty members serving as unit representatives to Faculty Council shall be compensated for two hours for every one hour of Faculty Council meeting attendance to account for work outside of meeting time, per the Governance Reassignment Time and Compensation MOA signed in October 2021.

4.2 Meetings

4.2.1 Regularly scheduled meetings shall be held. Face to face votes shall only be held when, per Robert’s Rules (see 4.2.11 below), a majority of the membership is in attendance. Votes may be held by email if the members present at a meeting vote to do so. Only Council members will participate in voting, which is distinct from the referendum process and the Co-Chair electoral process.

4.2.2 Agendas will be divided into sections with suggested time limitations on each.

4.2.3 To save time, people are expected to talk to the Co-Chairs about any last-minute adjustments to the agenda before the meeting.

4.2.4 Persons wishing to elicit opinions, input or help from Faculty Council shall be asked to submit a brief description of the problem or situation that shall be distributed to the council members prior to discussion of the issue. Council members will be encouraged to review the material prior to the meeting.

4.2.5 Issues that need research and reflection will be referred to standing committees of the college or task forces, so that when a proposal is returned to the Faculty Council, the members can discuss the issue more effectively.

4.2.6 A chair will be appointed by the Co-Chairs at the time of forming a task force, and will be listed under Committee Reports and will be asked to schedule reports to the council with the Co-Chairs.

4.2.7 Persons/committees/task forces will submit items that need decisions or discussion by Faculty Council to the Co-Chairs. Copies of these items will be sent out with minutes prior to the next meeting whenever it is possible. This will provide ample opportunity for those who might be affected by the issue to review and discuss it prior to the Faculty Council meeting. If it is impossible to distribute before the meeting, the written information should be brought to the Faculty Council and distributed at that time.

4.2.8 Proposals from committees should have the difficulties worked out as much as the committee is able before the submission to the Faculty Council.

4.2.9 Co-Chairs will delegate tasks to other Faculty Council members in order to encourage full Council participation in the functions of Faculty Council. Persons shall be assigned to track each important issue and report as necessary for the development and resolution of the issue.

4.2.10 It is the responsibility of all persons present to be succinct and to the point (i.e., if committee has not met, or has no reports, the proper response is "no report").

4.2.11 Meetings will be conducted using a modification of Robert’s Rules of Order, such modification being the right of any council member to make a motion for consensus on an important item for vote. If the motion is seconded, consensus will be required to be pursued in good faith by all council members. Council appointments are not subject to consensus.

4.2.12 If a council member's motion for consensus on an item is pursued within a meeting, and consensus is not achieved, Faculty Council will declare a reflection period until the next Faculty Council meeting. At the start of that next meeting a consensus vote will then be held. If consensus is not achieved, a majority-based vote will be taken, and then both majority and minority reports will be issued. The representative who made the original motion for consensus will write the report for whichever outcome (majority or minority) he/she winds up on. The Co-Chairs will write the remaining report.

4.3 Criteria for Agenda Items

4.3.1 Does it concern teaching and learning at LCC or in higher education?

4.3.2 Does the Faculty Council have the necessary information to address the issue?

4.3.3 Is it urgent? Is it of significant concern to faculty?

4.3.4 Requests to make presentations to the Faculty Council should be submitted in writing.

4.4 Standing Committee Representatives

4.4.1 Faculty Council shall recruit / appoint representatives to other college decision-making bodies.

4.4.2 Recruitment will be by faculty-wide solicitation of statements of interest and qualifications to be considered by the Council members, except when a sitting representative wishes to renew her/his appointment. In that case, the council will vote on the renewal without a campus-wide solicitation.

4.4.3 Where a single statement of interest or nomination has been received, the Faculty Council may appoint the candidate by acclamation or by a majority vote.  Nominations of faculty members other than self-nominations should confirm that the nominee accepts the nomination.

4.4.4 If committees require representation from a specific unit, that unit may forward their nominee to Faculty Council to appoint the candidate by acclamation or following a vote.

4.5 Committees

4.5.1 To facilitate the smooth and efficient operation of the Faculty Council, committees and task forces shall be formed as required.

4.5.2 The Co-Chairs shall maintain a list of all task committees, task forces, chairs, and their members.

4.5.3 These task forces shall cease to exist when their mission has been completed.

4.5.4 Faculty Council appointees to curricular committees and task forces (such as Curriculum Committee, Assessment Team, Academic Requirements Review Committee) shall submit upcoming agenda items to Co-Chairs in time to be published with the agenda, as well as make reports to Faculty Council upon invitation.

4.6 Co-Chairs

4.6.1 The Faculty will elect two Faculty Council members to act as Co-Chairs. To be nominated, the member must have attended more than half of the regularly scheduled meetings during the immediately preceding year or have served as a Faculty Council member for at least one year with a 50% or better annual attendance record within the past five years. Co-Chairs will serve for two years and elections will be held every year such that the terms of the Co-Chairs overlap.

4.6.2 In the event of a resignation, a special faculty-wide election will be held for a replacement to complete the resigning Co-Chair's term.

4.6.3 Co-Chairs will participate as members of the council in addition to performing their duties as Co-Chairs.

4.6.4 In the event that a sitting Co-Chair’s unit elects their maximum number of representatives, not including the Co-Chair, the Co-Chair will continue to carry out the duties of Co-Chair until the end of his/her term, but will not otherwise participate as a representative of their unit.

4.6.5 The Faculty Council Co-Chairs receive reassignment time equal to one class per term to represent faculty interests per the Governance Reassignment Time and Compensation MOA signed in October 2021, unless otherwise negotiated in Bargaining. Faculty Council Co-Chairs will receive a budget of $500 to be spent on Faculty Council business.

4.6.6 The Co-Chairs shall: Keep order at meetings. Keep discussion to a reasonable time schedule. Poll the members for decision making at the end of discussion. Wrap up each meeting with a restatement of action items. Establish a calendar of meetings. Keep the budget. Keep a list of operational procedures (printing, mailing, room reservations). Keep a list of Faculty Council actions and accomplishments. Act as representatives & liaisons for Faculty Council as needed. Keep the Faculty Council & faculty informed of instructional issues and developments. Both of the Co-Chairs will serve as the Faculty Council representatives to the College Council, and vote according to College Council protocols.

5  Amending the Faculty Council Charter

5.1 In order to modify the Faculty Council Charter, two-thirds of the Faculty Council members must vote to form a committee that will be charged with developing and proposing specific changes to the Faculty Council at large.  

5.2 This committee will meet and form language in response only to the changes charged to them by Faculty Council based on the aforementioned voting mechanism. The committee may address other related or necessary issues, but shall request additional authority from the Faculty Council to consider matters not closely or necessarily related to those they were charged with developing proposals for.

5.3 Faculty Council will take the proposed language from the committee and publicize the proposed amendment language in a manner to best reach all college faculty, notifying them of upcoming discussions and a vote.

5.4 After publicizing the language to all college faculty, Faculty Council must place the proposed revised language on the agenda for discussion for two open meetings.

5.5 After the publicizing and open meeting requirements have been met, only then can the amended language be considered for a final vote by Faculty Council.

5.6 Amended language to the Charter must meet with approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council members to be made official as Charter language.