Letter to the Presiding Judge

Letter to the Presiding Judge

To the Presiding Judge:

Your Honor, I have responded to the subpoena which requests the enclosed records concerning                 .The law requires us to give the student a five-day notification concerning the information that has been subpoenaed. However, we were not given adequate time to do this (the subpoena was served <date>).

I have been advised by legal counsel to call the court's attention to both State and Federal laws requiring me to keep student records private and confidential. The State Law is ORS 351.065 and the Federal Law is known as the Buckley Amendment, 20 U.S.C., Sec. 1232g.

I cannot voluntarily show these records to others unless the student consents. If the court believes the interests of justice outweighs the right to privacy, and if the court orders the records disclosed, then I have provided the documents for your decision.


Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar

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